Nothing is one-dimensional

Nothing is one-dimensional

maanantai 29. joulukuuta 2014


Meillä on siskojen kanssa ollut tapana tehdä jotain piparista joka joulu nyt muutaman vuoden ajan. Jotain vähän enemmän kuin vain normaali piparkakkutalo, koska kyllästyttiin tekemään vain niitä ja ne oli jo liian helppoja. Niinpä alotettiin ehkä neljä joulua sitten pistämällä rima korkealle. Ei olla vielä päästy sen yli ;) Mutta aikaa on. Tässä on muutama tekele! Ja kaikkihan on tietenkin syötävää.
Joulun 2010 merirosvolaiva, se oli hieno.... Täytetty suklaakonvehdeilla ;P

Ja asianmukaisesti Jack Sparrow ja Barbossa.
Ei niin mahtava teos... ;D Linna vuonna 2012.
2013 veturi
Ja tämän joulun teos oli saluuna. Siitä tuli ihan kiva :)

Saluunoissa on piano!
Pihalta löytyy inkkari ja kaktus, joka näyttää mun mielestä aivan Hulkilta...
Käytiin myös ulkona vielä kun on pakkasia ja kaunista :) -20 astetta ja lunta!

torstai 25. joulukuuta 2014

Christmas and hopes

I had a few days long computer-free Christmas break ;P But now I'm back again. I've had a great holiday so far, we have played board games, decorated the Christmas tree, baked, watched Lord of the rings (last one is still waiting) and of course we have just relaxed. Unfortunately time is going too fast and soon it's gonna be New Years Eve and 2015! :o
Gosh... I'm starting to feel desperate because I want things to happen in my life and I'm getting older!!! Of course I'm not even near being old but it's only three months to my birthday and then I'm again a year older. o.o'' This ain't good. I want to travel around the world, see different places like Japan and cherry trees, Australia (but I would like to avoid those huge spiders...), that "Love tunnel" or what ever it was in Ukraine (or Hungary?? ;')), Mont Saint-Michel in France (I don't actually need to see Eiffel tower...), Plitvicka national park in Croatia, all those beautiful old towns in Italy, mountain lakes in Norway (I love Norway, it's so wonderful country!), that plankton-thing in Maldives and so much more!! I just want to go around, everywhere. But not necessarily alone so there comes a new problem. I don't really have anyone who would be spontaneous enough to go travelling with me. And who would be able to be with me almost 24/7 for quite a long time AND also have money for travelling.. I don't have money either but like after a few years from now. I feel like I could skip two years of my life because nothing so important is probably gonna happen and then I could just leave somewhere. ;) It would be nice.
But now some pictures I took this Christmas (phone pics... -.- didn't have other camera).
This is not our real Christmas tree ;') It was just so great that we had to decorate it too.
We played Scrabble in English but I got the perfect word in Finnish: lahja = a gift.
And we have snow! It was snowing for two or three days before Christmas Eve and now we have about 20cm snow layer on the ground!! ^_^ So wonderful, this is real winter. We even had -17 degrees today. :D

maanantai 22. joulukuuta 2014

New book!

Just a few days and then it's Christmas Eve... And I have a flu -.-' But it's not so bad anymore! I just hope I get rid of this in a few days so when it's New Years Eve I would be able to go out.
Now I've been reading a book called Sleepwalker. It's written by Karen Robards and it's soooooo good!!! I just love it! I (almost) never find books I like to read but sometimes that happens and then I'm in heaven. And I just realized that she has written so many books! And then I can try to find them and read even more! Can I be happier?? One of the good things about the book is that I can relate to the head character Mick so well... Her nature is about the same as mine. And the way Robards writes, it's amazing. I just want to keep reading! :D But now... Homefood!! Made by mum. <3

perjantai 19. joulukuuta 2014

Drawings part 2

 This is from the first time I ever tried to draw with computer mouse... I was still in high school. There are some things wrong in it but I'm too lazy to fix them ;P
Last spring material.

keskiviikko 17. joulukuuta 2014

Just me thinking

Lately I've been wondering what would it really be like to be rich and famous (and now I mean like really rich, for example those celebrities Madonna, Brad Pitt etc., you get the idea). What kind of life they really have? I have no idea!
You know first of all I'm from Finland and this is not a big country. I feel like even the politics and so called celebrities here are the same as other people. Nobody actually cares. I'm from a normal Finnish family, well actually my family is a bit bigger than normal families 'cause we have six family members. Anyway, we are not rich but not poor either, we work and go to school and whatever, we make food and clean. I've never had to eat those weird ready-made-foods that are in plastic bags and you just pour water in it and then it's ready. I think those are so... Gross. ;P I might be a bit picky... ^^' But we have always used fresh ingredients. I'm used to it. And I'm also used to not have anyone to do things for me. I think that when you want something you have to work for it and make it happen.
So then I come to the point. Do rich people actually have servants? Do they have to do anything themselves? Can they just basically buy everything they want? Is their life easy? Or is it the opposite. Media always shows us how celebrities take drugs, go to rehab, get divorced, have no privacy and have all kinds of problems in their life. I think, and I hope, that's only just a part of their world. I feel like all the pressure of being noticed by everyone everywhere is so hard that some people just can't live with it for a long time. And then it leads to different not so good situations. Of course everyone has their own reasons and probably everyone doesn't even have so big problems. This is all just me thinking.
I wish I could try what their life's like. For a month, definitely not longer! I don't want to be famous neither rich. But anyway then I could have even some kind of idea about the life they live in. It would be interesting. To see the world from a totally different perspective. Now I'm done for today!

tiistai 16. joulukuuta 2014

Vaatteet = love

Kävin tänään Eurokankaassa hieman kangasshoppailemassa. Okei, rahat ei riittänyt kuin yhteen kankaaseen, mutta se on ihana (ja vaaleanpunainen o.o, tai vähän harmahtava sellanen, mutta en lähes ikinä käytä mitään vaaleanpunaista!). Mulla on kaksi vaihtoehtosuunnitelmaa sille: joko sellai kiva kellohelmainen lyhyehkö mekko tai maksimekko. Saa nähdä kumpaan päädyn. ;)
I'm so in love!! :3 Tässä on pari kuvaa vaatteista, jotka niiiiiin haluaisin! Joko ostaa, saada tai tehdä. Mutta nuo mekot on vähän sellaisia, että ei niitä oikein voisi käyttää missään. :'( (pics are from google, I don't own them)

maanantai 15. joulukuuta 2014


It's weird how some people just catch your eye... Maybe it's something about their appearance, looks, the way they act or something I don't know! But something about them just makes you stare at them and want to get to know them. I faced this last Friday and again today... Because I saw one new person (I knew his name already) and today I saw him again! There's something interesting about him... Yeah. ;P
But oh goesh.. I feel like I'm a horrible person! Because there are about three persons in my life that make me crazy! They just don't leave me alone ;'D They keep talking to me about everything I have no clue about and just kind of keep following me. And I want to be nice and polite but it's sometimes so difficult. I would like to say something like "could you not talk to me?" but I can't... Because then I feel so bad. And then when I try to avoid them or talking to them I also feel bad. >.< Don't know what to do with those people... Maybe I just have to try to live with this situation. ^^' Huaaa.. People are so difficult.
But today I had fun when I was listening to live music! This year's Musalinja (school where I was last year) had a talent-night where they played all kind of acoustic music. I love it! And I miss playing music and singing so much... Of course I can do those also now but it's not the same. We had so great group and people where so wonderful! But I'm gonna go back there some year. That's my plan. ;)
These pics are from one gig a few years ago. The band is called MUCC, it's Japanese and one of my favorites. It was mid summer, very hot, and me and my friend wanted to get to the front row and there was still some other heavy-metal band playing. We just went through all those sweaty long haired men and got to the third row! Never gonna do that again but then it was worth it. ;D

sunnuntai 14. joulukuuta 2014

Not thinking

For a few days now I've been listening to some "happy songs". Just because I really got fed up with thinking about everything and worrying so I decided to stop it. And now I'm feeling so much better! I feel somehow weirdly lighter and I'm happy :) There are a lot of things I should or I could worry about, like my school things, relationships with people... everything but I really don't care anymore. Everything will get clear to me in time. Things happen even if I don't think about them ;) So now I'm just gonna be. Here are some songs I've been listening to:
Benjamin - Underdogs
Olly Murs - Troublemaker and Hey you beautiful
Kim Cesarion - I love this life
Gfm - Onnellinen
5 seconds of summer - She looks so perfect
Hillsong United - the whole Zion-album, it's just so great!
Daughtry - Waiting for superman
Cameron Mitchell - Love can wait
Ed Sheeran - Runaway, Sing and Don't
Lee DeWyze - Sweet serendipity
Of course there are a lot more but can't write everything here ;)
Oh!! I applied to three part-time-jobs today!! Wish I could get one of them... Really need and want one.
Isn't it cute? It was probably too scared to run away from me... Don't know is it a good or a bad thing ;D

perjantai 12. joulukuuta 2014


Koska nyt on niin inhottavan pimeää, harmaata, koleaa, tuulista, sateista ja muuta kivaa, eli ei ollenkaan jouluista, niin ajattelin laittaa tähän oikein kesäisiä kuvia! ;D

torstai 11. joulukuuta 2014


"Valkoista, joka puolella.
Maassa, puissa, puhelinlangoilla.
Yöllä satanut lumi piilottaa alleen
tuhansia eilisen asioita.
Askeleet, jotka jätit harhaillessasi eteenpäin.
Paperinpalat, jotka halusit katoavan.
Musteen, joka leviää muodostaen
mitään merkitseviä kuvioita.
Etkö koskaan huomannut,
kuinka se sattui?
Kuinka se pureutui kuoren läpi.
Kuoren, jota rakensit niin monta vuotta.
Jota kasvatit aina vain kovemmaksi.
Joka silti, kaikesta huolimatta, murtui.
Palasiksi, jotka nyt ovat hautautuneet
kunnes niiden on aika palata.
Rakennatko sen uudelleen?
Annatko saman toistua?
Jätätkö tänään uudet jäljet?"

tiistai 9. joulukuuta 2014


Today is the day when I'm going to search Christmas presents for my family! That is gonna be so difficult especially my little brother is going to be a problem... I never know what to get for him. But I hope I can find something nice. :)
Yesterday I was so tired that I just slept most of the day. I got up about 4pm... Only because I had plans with my friend. I went to his house and we played guitar and sang. It was so fun. :) Except one moment I was so close to fall asleep but I just let my friend to play guitar for a while when I tried not to sleep... But he made it very difficult! Because he was mean and started playing something like Vivaldi and classical music makes me very tired. >.< But I didn't fall asleep!
These pics are very out of the context... But they are from one trip to my grandparents. There's our dog sleeping... ;)

sunnuntai 7. joulukuuta 2014


Kun menee neljältä yöllä nukkumaan ja herää siihen kun isosisko soittaa yhdeltätoista aamulla niin voi kyllä sanoa että näin illasta rupeaa väsyttään kumman aikasin. Mutta ei pidä sen antaa vaikuttaa vaan menee vaan! Tosin tänään yliväsymyksellä oli sellai vaikutus, että saatoin jälleen puhua hiukan paljon. Sitä tapahtuu. Toivottavasti sisko, sen poikaystävä ja niiden kaveri ei saanu musta ihan tarpeekseen... :3
Mun huoneen ikkunan alla on meidän asuinrakennuksen kerhohuoneen katto ja olen jo pitkään miettinyt miten sinne menisin. Äsken sitten suunniteltiin kämppiksen kanssa, että keväällä auringon taas lämmittäessä ryömitään mun ikkunasta sinne katolle eväiden kanssa ja otetaan aurinkoa! Tää niin toteutetaan ;) Rupespa kaipaamaan lämpöä ja aurinkoa kun niitä ajatteli, joten tän päivän kuvat on vuosi sitten olleelta Istanbulin matkalta.

lauantai 6. joulukuuta 2014

Vilinää ja ystäviä!

Heei vain! Ai että on olemassa ihania ihmisiä!! ^_^ Selitän... Perjantai oli aivan kauhea häslinkipäivä. Oli kiire tehdä jotain aivan koko ajan, mutta silti jotenkin oudosti kerkesin kaikkialle minne pitikin. Aamulla kävin pikaisesti kaupoilla, menin salille reenaamaan, tulin kotiin ja siivosin, lähdin kiireellä kräsän itsenäisyyspäiväjuhliin (pitkän ja tuskaisen valmistautumisen jälkeen...) ja ennen juhlia vaihdoin asuni vielä Helsingin rautatieaseman vessassa... Lähdin juhlista kesken joskus yhdeksän aikaan illalla ja suuntasin Kauniaisiin adventtitapahtumaan tapaamaan kavereita ja viettämään aikaa. Sieltä suuntasimme porukalla yöllä abc:lle ja joskus kahden jälkeen olin viimein takaisin kotona. Oli melkosta haipakkaa ;D Mutta todella kivaa! Noh, ei tää lauantai siitä paljon muuttunut, sillä meillä oli pikkujoulutuparit illalla. Olipa ihana ja mahtava ilta! Paljon upeita ihmisiä ympärillä juttelemassa, laulamassa, nauramassa, syömässä ja tietenkin linnanjuhliakin kattomassa. En vaihtaisi hetkeäkään! Huomisesta ei sitten tiiäkkään mitä tekisi... Kummallista kun ei ole suunnitelmia. Öitä!

torstai 4. joulukuuta 2014


Mulla ja pikkusiskollani on seitsemän vuotta ikäeroa. Se oli joskus todella vaikeaa, koska sisko matki kaikessa ja roikkui kiinni. Nykyään tulemme todella hyvin toimeen, olemme luonteeltamme niin samanlaisia ja on todella kiva viettää aikaa siskon kanssa (ihanaa kun saa pelleillä ihan rauhassa). ^_^

keskiviikko 3. joulukuuta 2014

Just a fragile shadow

"But when you look into her eyes
do you see the same I've seen?
The freedom of being a child
all those carefree smiles
all the joy and love.
Do you see it all?
The pain and anger of the youth
shouting, screaming
all the words and looks.
How they hurt.
Forgetting is not a choice
the past still lingers here.
But I've seen it.
I've seen happiness like never before
smiles, tears of joy, love.
Do you see it all?
Can you see the truth?"