Nothing is one-dimensional

Nothing is one-dimensional

keskiviikko 28. lokakuuta 2015

When lost are found

First, thank you my dear friend Lotta for the subject for this post. Today I'm gonna write about introverts and how difficult it's sometimes to even talk to people.

Introverts are (as described in Wikipedia) "typically more reserved or reflective. -- An introvert is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people, though he or she may enjoy interactions with close friends. Trust is usually an issue of significance: a virtue of utmost importance to introverts is choosing a worthy companion. They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate." So in my own words introverts are usually shy, they tend to become wallflowers 'cause they are not so noticeable in groups and they have a high level of empathy towards other people. When being in a big group introverts, as an opposite of extroverts, like to observe the situation before talking and fully participating. There are many reasons for them to act that way but one is that first they want to know what kind of people they're with. Also by paying more attention to other people introverts tend to notice others' weaknesses, manners and feelings more easier than those who are talking all the time. As being quiet and shy at first is not a bad thing it also has some not so good sides to it too. Being in groups those who are most talkative get the biggest attention and the quiet ones might not get noticed at all. And because they are not always brave enough to start talking immediately when there's a few seconds long silent moment they never get their voice heard. They become invisible. And they might be left alone. That's always a hard thing for an introvert because she/he needs a lot of courage for even going to talk to other people. There are these thoughts that keep them from talking to others, "what if he/she doesn't want to talk to me", "what if I say something stupid", "I can't go to talk to him/her". And sometimes it's just that there's not enough courage in introverts for them to make the first move and go to talk to a stranger. Yes, talking is very difficult. You start to think 'what can I say', 'what if he/she thinks I'm an idiot' and all the other possible things.

I used to be an introvert so I know exactly what it is to be and feel like an introvert. It's not always fun and great and there are times when you feel the worst. But there are also many good things about being an introvert. I learned how to live on my own, how to kill time being alone and actually doing something meaningful and sometimes not so meaningful, I learned how to enjoy the little things in life such as not being in a hurry, silence and reading a good book on our backyard, I learned how great it was to have a few great friends. There are so many good things about being an introvert and things you can learn and know only if you are one. Being an introvert is part of some people's personality and they should be treated the same as all the others, because that's what they are. They might need more time to warm up to other people but when they get to know you or you get to know them you realise just how fun, amazing and normal people they are.

Kimi ni Todoke (google) The female protagonist is a good example of an introvert. And I really like that anime. ^.^ 

This is the Day - Phil Wickham
I'm a mess - Ed Sheeran

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