Today I went to help to move my sister's stuff from her apartment back to my parent's house because she will leave to America next week and stays there for about five months. And naturally then she won't need her apartment here. We probably aren't gonna see each others for a year now... Or when she leaves next week. Because I also have plans for the next autumn. Great plans. ;)
This is not certain yet but I'm working on it... But when next August comes I'll probably go to Japan for three weeks and after that continue my trip to Australia. That's my plan and it's actually very close to happen. There are still some things I have to take care of... For example just a minor thing as visa... ;P And I would still need a bit more money to be sure I can really manage to live there, well actually it won't be a problem. I have some people I know there so I will always have a place to go. But I need to have enough money to be able to buy plane tickets.. :'P Those can be actually really expensive. And then there are those vaccinations I have to take and meds are always expensive. o.o'' But I think everything will eventually work out just fine.
And because both of my roommates are also most probably going aboard as an exchange students next spring we were thinking about meeting somewhere... Somewhere. One is going to Chile, one probably to Nepal and God only knows where I will be so it's really just somewhere in this world (world is surprisingly small..). Planning things is fun. Dreaming also. Life would be so boring without dreams.
Today's song is Steve Moakler's Can't stop thinking about you. I really like the rhythm in it. ;)
That's so me.... Unbelievable. ;) (from google)
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